Monday, February 22, 2010

The Hiker

Perhaps whoever this hiker is or was should not be the issue, for this could either be recent or some past event, occurring before the onset of respectability and community standing.

However, it was a spring day with a light, warm rain, but otherwise a lovely day. Restless, the hiker imagined a lovely walk in the woods. Once out among the trees, the hiker was alone, most people unable to make a connection between rain and hiking.

Pulling on a cap and a nylon shell over shorts and shirt, the hiker started down the trail, enjoying the musty smell of rich soil and emerging mushrooms, watching the steady drip from the overhanging leaves and from the bill of the cap. In the calm silence, the time simply slipped away, until there was a bright spot ahead.

The hiker quickened the pace, soon arriving in a small clearing, finding that the sky was just slightly clearing also. Through the breaks in the clouds, shafts of sunlight lit patches of the damp leaves strewn on the ground. The rain drops, like pearls, sparkled in the shifting sunbeams.

After a look around, the hiker, sure of the perfect solitude, sat on a fallen log, quickly disrobed, and then started dancing naked between the beams of light, feeling the gentle rain, just another animal in the woods, thinking only in images, feeling only joy.

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