Saturday, April 2, 2011

Olympics in stupidity

Well, the games are on for the gold medal in stupidity. On the eastern front, a group in Afghanistan attacked a UN office to protest a Qur’an burning by a church group in Florida. The fact that the people they attacked and killed weren't from Florida or even the US didn't matter. Disrespect the religion or the holy book, and they attack something or someone.
Not to be outdone, some of our states are protesting and even passing laws against the replacement of outmoded incandescent light bulbs, mostly 'cause the gov'mint ain't got no right to tell us what to do. So, while electricity becomes more expensive, and incandescent bulbs use the majority of this costly energy on throwing off heat, rather than light, these states are going to protect their right to waste more money on inefficiency. I guess there's a problem with updating 130 year old technology. I wonder if those people objecting to the new bulbs are also going to throw away their tractors and hook the wife up to the plow.

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