Tuesday, March 15, 2011

a nation of 12 year olds

Let me see, we spend billions occupying Iraq and Afghanistan for year (eventually decades), but we can't send a few planes to fly over Libya to keep a dictator from bombing his countrymen. We can lay off public employees who do vital jobs, but we can't ask multibillionaires for an extra couple thousand to pay for services we all use.
We can spend hundreds of hours debating things endlessly in our legislative halls, but we can't spend ten minutes passing the most mundane budgetary law. We can cause mass panic with trumped up accounts of tsunamis, but we can't educate our people about what to do in a real disaster. We, as a nation, can bullshit endlessly, but we can't take a moment to think about what we're saying.
We've become a nation of 12 year olds.

1 comment:

  1. You've said it well. As long as we have our Big Macs, quart jugs of soda, humongous cars and trucks, shoot-em-up movies and buckets of popcorn, we are happy.
