Remember when you were a kid and your overly supportive parents said you could be anything you wanted to be? Then you struggled through high school and college, and now you're not working at your dream job.
You haven't won a Pulitzer prize, an Oscar or the Nobel. You haven't discovered a cure for cancer, started the next mega Silicon Valley business or married the person of your dreams. Discouraged?
Don't be. You can still become a fool. It's easy, and it will make you popular. Here's a couple easy steps.
First, have lots of opinions and shout them out with conviction at every opportunity. You don't have to do the careful research necessary to determine if your opinions have any basis in fact. That takes valuable time away from forming opinions and using them to make friends. Better to get your opinions from vocal opinion makers. Just choose opinions that have a strong emotional appeal and repeat them, changing the wording slightly to personalize them. People will either agree with you and be your friends, or they will disagree with you and you can have an argument. Either way, people are talking to you and acknowledging you.
Then make sure you think in black and white. Gray areas confuse people, and you will be left with only those insufferable intellectuals to talk with, and we all know how they are regarded by the public.
Once you mastered "basic fool," there are higher levels you can work on.
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