Saturday, March 6, 2010

Voluntary educational protests

I'm glad to see people finally standing up for education. Walking out, by teachers and students, sends a message and costs money, which also sends a message. I only wish more K-12 teachers and students had stayed out last Thursday. A voluntary walk out by all or most would get our elected officials to change course.

However, the word "voluntary" is a word of caution to university student activists, who tend to see things in black and white and forget there are shades of gray. Blocking people from entering campus is coercion, something the students would not tolerate from others.
This casts doubts on both the protesters credibility and the actual number of people who stayed away on purpose.

This kind of fighting coercion with coercion takes you down that dark road to Orwell's Animal Farm, a book that should be a must read for student activists.

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